
Biscuit Ice Cream Chocolate Bars

Icecream bar covered with glucose biscuits, frozen and served drizzled with melted chocolate and nuts Icecream bar covered with glucose biscuits, frozen and served drizzled with melted chocolate and nuts This recipe is from FoodFood TV channel

New Update
Biscuit Ice Cream Chocolate Bars
Main Ingredients Glucose biscuits, Vanilla ice cream bar
Cuisine Fusion
Course Desserts
Prep Time 2-2.30 hour
Cook time 0-5 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Biscuit Ice Cream Chocolate Bars

  • 10 Glucose biscuits
  • 1 litres Vanilla ice cream bar
  • 1 cup Dark chocolate , melted
  • to garnish Pistachios , finely chopped
  • to garnish Vermicelli sprinklers
  • to garnish Almonds , chopped


  1. Stick half the glucose biscuits on the edge of one aide of the ice cream bar. Trim the exposed portion of the bar and turn it sideways so that biscuit portion is on one side.
  2. Now halve the bar from middle lengthwise and stick the remaining biscuits on the cut side. Transfer the bar on an aluminium sheet and cover it completely. Freeze for 1-2 hours.
  3. Further cut into smaller bars. Insert an ice cream stick in centre of each bar.
  4. Take melted dark chocolate in a bowl. Pour melted dark chocolate on each bar with a spoon. Drip off extra chocolate.
  5. Sprinkle pistachio, vermicelli sprinkles and almonds on each bar. Place them on a silicon mat and refrigerate for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove from refrigerator and transfer onto a serving platter and serve immediately.