
5 common breakfast myths busted

Read on to break free from 5 of the most common breakfast myths.

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5 common breakfast myths busted

If you find yourself feeling hungry much before lunch time or really nauseous through the first half of the day, you can safely blame it on the breakfast you had that morning. While skipping it is a strict no- no eating the wrong kind of breakfast is equally bad. Read on to break free from 5 of the most common breakfast myths.

‘Cereal’ killer

Cereals are a quick fix breakfast option but are they really a healthy choice? Well, no. Most cereals are high in sugar and carbs, while being low in fibre. While that helps you get rid of morning lethargy it does literally nothing to nourish your body. If you still love your cereal too much opt for whole, fibre rich ones with no artificial sugar and preservatives, but better still eat oats!

No more orangey

Contrary to what you have been told all your life, starting your day with a glass of ‘freshly squeezed orange juice’ isn’t the best idea. Orange juice is very acidic in nature and is not what your stomach need when it is empty. Eating the fruit is a much better idea than juicing it, because you manage to get in some benefits from the fibre.

Don’t go bananas

Bananas are a great source of instant energy and potassium which make them a brilliant food to eat post a work out or as a mid afternoon snack, but definitely not early in the morning on an empty stomach. This is because they are mildly acidic and also give you sugar rush – which will results in major cravings way before lunch time. Avoid going bananas in the morning.

Yes, yogurt is bad too

Yogurt just by itself is a great ingredient just not for breakfast. Fermented food like yogurt, if not combined with good fats release hydrochloric acid in the tummy which kills the good lactic acid and causes discomfort – at least till you eat your next meal. If you are making a yogurt smoothie make sure you combine it with healthy fats like avocado and peanut butter or high fibre fresh fruits.

Beware of bread

Breads have a high starch content, which eventually converts to sugar - causing your blood sugar levels to spike, creates an imbalance in insulin levels and leaves you feeling lazy and lethargic. Also breads contain yeast, which might just disturb the gastric lining of the stomach and cause flatulence. If you are eating bread, eat real whole wheat or multigrain versions and not white bread made dark with molasses. Also have it with something spicy to cut effects of the sugar.

Do not forget to take a look at these recipes made with eggs, which are an ideal breakfast ingredient – any day of the week.
