
Foods to brighten your mood

Let us help you kick off your blue vibes and boost your mood straightaway with these amazing foods.

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Foods to brighten your mood

Life’s all about eating good food! Feeling dull? Eat. Feeling happy? Eat. Feeling bored? Eat. That’s the modern era we live in. Food is the sole and the soul’s priority. You might have heard of the presumption that eating your favourite food can escalate you from being gloomy to absolutely happy, real quick. But, there are new talks on how some specific foods can lift up your mood instantaneously, which are scientifically proven as well.

Let us help you kick off your blue vibes and boost your mood straightaway with these amazing foods.

Chocolate = Good Mood

You may already know this! Chocolates and more particularly, dark chocolate can change your mood in a matter of minutes. Research says it has depression fighting abilities and improves anxiety problems. Smile, you’ve got more reason to get that bigger bite of chocolate!

Oh! Fish

Fishes are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, and it is said that this one supplement is a fat which you should not cut out on. These are popular mood stabilizers and help in calming the mind and body. The next time you feel low, go grab some fish!

Love the leafy greens

The fact of leafy vegetables being super beneficial for the body is already widespread, but little do people know about its mood-boosting abilities. Apparently, it is said that these are loaded with iron and deficiency in iron is directly related to the alterations in emotional behaviour of humans. Now you’ve got more reason to dear the leafy vegetables.

Pick some seeds and go nuts!

Nuts and seeds have gained a lot of fame in the past few years. Everyone is talking about it and how one should include them in diets. But, this bit of their wonderfulness is still left to explore. Nuts and seeds provide us with the amino acid, tryptophan which is important to create serotonin, a mood boosting element.

Pros of probiotic foods

There is a positive relation between gut and brain. When you have a healthy gut, you have a good mood. Kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha are some of the popular fermented foods which have a healthy bacterium. They can help in alleviating depression and boost a dull mood.

Fruits are fruitful

Research says the more fruits and berries you include in your diet, the lesser chances of depression you have. Since, they are packed with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial nutrients; it’s always a healthy option to include them in your diet. Berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are flavonoid in nature and can incredibly enhance the mood.

Chai ya coffee?

This is something you might have noticed already. No other beverage can satiate your soul more than a cup of tea and coffee (depends whether you’re a chai or coffee person). They are going to protect you from anxiety and depression, but of course, you’ve got to sip on them in moderation. Or maybe, it’s best if you can go for a cup of refreshing green tea instead.
