
Papaya: 7 reasons to make it a regular in your diet

A few health benefits of including papaya in your everyday diet.

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Papaya 7 reasons to make it a regular in your diet

You might love papaya or hate it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the most nutritious fruits that you could possibly eat. No fruit salad is complete without the inclusion of the mighty Papaya –besides the sweet and juicy taste the fruit is also loaded with a bunch of nutrients that you might be unaware of. Here are a few health benefits to including papaya in your everyday diet.

Helps in lowering cholesterol

Papaya helps in controlling and reducing cholesterol levels due to its rich fibre content. It is also loaded with Vitamin C and various antioxidants, which collectively help you in having a healthier heart and preventing heart diseases like cardiac arrest and hypertension.

Aids weight loss

Trying to lose weight? Papaya will help you achieve your goals. It is low in calories to boot. Moreover, the high fibre content helps keeps you full for longer hours, preventing unhealthy eating. It also helps reducing digestion problems, keeping your tummy healthy.

Improves Immunity

Our body needs immunity to fight diseases and protect itself. Papaya is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K. It promotes the growth of body tissues, including hair and skin and also helps in building the body’s imuunity.  sustaining collagen level which is crucial to the strength of our bone structures.

Improves Eyesight

As mentioned earlier, Papaya is rich in vitamin A, C and antioxidants beta-carotene, which are also responsible for our eyesight. A good amount of papaya in your diet will help you stay away from eye-related diseases and keep your vision sharp.

Good for diabetics

Papaya might be sweet to taste, but its sugar content isn’t too high. Plus they are very rich in fibre and help in stabilizing sugar levels in the body. Besides being great for people already suffering from diabetes it also contains properties that also prevent the occurrence of diabetes in the body.

Prevents Arthritis

Arthritis can be really painful for people to carry out their day-to-day work. It causes inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Papaya is rich in calcium and vitamin C, along with numerous anti-inflammatory properties that help in the prevention of Arthritis.

Keeps Menstrual cycles in check

Papaya is a hot fruit proves to be really helpful for women with irregular menses. The excessive production of heat in the body stimulates the estrogen hormone which induces periods in the females. Papayas either in fruit form or as a juice can bring the irregularity in one’s periodic cycle to the right track. 
