
Japanese Cream Bun

Soft, fluffy buns filled with a light and sweet vanilla cream, offering a delightful and creamy treat in every bite. This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

New Update
Japanese Cream Bun

Main Ingredients Butter, Custard
Cuisine Japanese
Course Snacks and Starters
Prep Time 51-60 minutes
Cook time 26-30 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Non Veg


  • Butter for pan-frying
  • 250 milliliter milk
  • 15 grams butter
  • 50 grams castor sugar 
  • 3 egg yolks 
  • 20 grams refined flour (maida) 
  • 380 grams refined flour (maida) 
  • 60 grams castor sugar 
  • 5 grams salt 
  • 5 grams dried yeast 
  • 80 milliliter warm milk 
  • 20 milliliter heavy cream 
  • 80 grams egg, beaten 
  • 40 grams unsalted butter 


  1. To make the custard, add butter and milk to a double boiler and whisk till the butter melts. Add castor sugar and whisk till it dissolves. 
  2. Add egg yolks, one by one and whisk till a ribbon consistency is achieved. Add flour and whisk till the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. 
  3. To make the bun, mix together flour, castor sugar and salt in a bowl. Add yeast, milk and cream and mix well. Add eggs and mix till well incorporated. Add butter and knead to a soft dough.
  4. Dust some flour on the worktop and divide the dough into equal portions. Roll out into discs. 
  5. Place a spoonful of custard in the centre, bring the edges together to form a potli. Discard the excess dough, shape into balls and flatten. 
  6. Heat some butter in a non-stick pan. Place the prepared buns on it and pan-fry till golden brown from both sides. 
  7. Serve hot. 