

Naan is a leavened flatbread traditionally cooked in a tandoor. However it can be baked in an oven or even tawa-fried. But here we have cooked it in a pressure cooker. It is characterized by a light and fluffy texture and golden-brown spots got from the baking process. It can be served with any vegetarian or non-vegetarian curry.

New Update
Naan 1 - YT


Main ingredients Refined flour, Castor sugar, Salt, Yogurt, Baking soda, Butter, Onion seeds
Cuisine Indian
Course Breads
Prep time 4-5 hours
Cook time 20-25 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Savoury
Level of cooking Moderate
Others Vegetarian


  • 2 cups refined flour (maida) + for dusting
  • 2 teaspoons castor sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon butter, softened + for brushing
  • Onion seeds for sprinkling


  1. Take refined flour in a large bowl, add sugar, salt, yogurt, baking soda and 1¼ cups water and knead into a soft dough. Add butter and knead again. Cover with a damp muslin cloth and set aside to prove for 3-4 hours. 
  2. Divide the dough into equal portions and place them on a plate.
  3. Shape each portion into a ball and place it on a worktop. Spread it lightly and roll it into a disc while rolling the edges thin. 
  4. Take 1 teaspoon salt in a bowl, add ½ cup water and mix well. Transfer into a spray bottle. 
  5. Heat a cooker upside down on direct heat till thoroughly heated through. Place the cooker upright and sprinkle some of the salt water on the inside of the cooker. Place it upside down over high heat again. 
  6. Set it upright again. Apply a little water on one side of one disc and stick it with the water side facing down on one wall of the cooker. Place the cooker upside down on direct heat and cook till the naan is cooked and dark brown specs appear on top. 
  7. Take the naan off the cooker, place the naan on a plate and immediately brush butter over it.
  8. Similarly, take another disc, apply some water one side and sprinkle some onion seeds. Flip and apply some water on the other side. 
  9. Stick the plain side facing down on to one wall of the cooker. Place the cooker upside down on direct heat again and cook till the naan is cooked and dark brown specs appear on top. 
  10. Take the naan off the heat place it on another plate and immediately brush butter over it. 
  11. Make more naans similarly.
  12. Arrange the naans on serving plates and serve hot. 