
Paan Jal Jeera

In Hindi jal means water and jeera means cumin. Jal-jeera is a popular summer beverage that is flavoured with a spice mix known as jal-jeera powder. Here we have added beetle leaves that gives it a unique flavour. The base of this drink can be either lemonade or drinking soda.

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Paan Jal Jeera

Main ingredients Beetle leaves (paan), Roasted cumin powder, Lemon, Fresh mint sprigs, Ginger, Chaat masala, Fennel seeds, Black salt, Castor sugar, Salt, Ice cubes, Drinking soda
Cuisine Fusion
Course Beverage
Prep time 5-10 minutes
Cook time 0 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Tangy
Level of cooking Easy
Others Vegetarian


  • 8-10 beetle leaves, shredded + for garnish
  • 1 lemon, quartered
  • 10-12 fresh mint sprigs
  • 4 teaspoons roughly chopped ginger
  • 1 teaspoon chaat masala + for garnish
  • 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder + for garnish
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 1 teaspoon black salt
  • 4 teaspoons castor sugar
  • 4 pinches of salt
  • Ice cubes as required
  • Drinking soda as required
  • Candied red cherry for garnish


  1. To make each portion, squeeze the juice of ¼ lemon into a glass. Add 3-4 mint sprigs, ¼ portion of chopped beetle leaves, 1 teaspoon ginger, ¼ teaspoon chaat masala, ¼ teaspoon roasted cumin powder, ¼ teaspoon fennel seeds, ¼ teaspoon black salt, 1 teaspoon castor sugar and pinch of salt and muddle well. Add a few ice cubes and a small portion of the drinking soda. Place another glass on top and shake it well.
  2. To serve, add a few more ice cubes in a serving glass. Strain the muddled mixture into it and top up the glass with more drinking soda. Garnish with roasted cumin powder, chaat masala, beetle leaves and candied red cherry. Serve immediately. 