
Purple Cabbage Omelette

This omelette is so wholesome that you can make a meal with it with some toasted bread slices. Addition of the vegetables makes it healthier with added nutrients. Made this way the omelette is colourful too and the crunch of the vegetables makes it more delicious.

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Purple Cabbage Omelette 3

Purple Cabbage Omelette

Main ingredients Purple cabbage, Eggs, Carrot, Onion, Green chillies, Sugar, Crushed black peppercorns, Fresh coriander leaves, Fresh parsley sprigs
Cuisine Fusion
Course Snack
Prep time 10-15 minutes
Cook time 10-15 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Savoury
Level of cooking Easy
Others Non vegetarian


  • 1 medium purple cabbage
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and shredded
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 4 green chillies, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • Crushed black peppercorns to taste
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander leaves
  • 4 tablespoons oil
  • Fresh parsley sprigs for garnish
  • Toasted bread slices to serve
  • Tomato ketchup to serve
  • Mustard sauce to serve
  • Orange juice to serve


  1. Shred the purple cabbage and transfer into a bowl. Add carrot, onion, green chillies, sugar, salt, crushed black peppercorns and mix well. Divide this into 2 equal portions.
  2. Take one portion of the vegetables in a mixing bowl, break 3 eggs into it, add coriander leaves and whisk the mixture well for 1 minute.
  3. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a shallow non-stick pan. Spread the cabbage-egg mixture evenly, cover and cook on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Flip and cook on another side for 2 minutes more.
  4. Similarly make another omelette with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Garnish with parsley sprig and serve hot with toasted bread slices, tomato ketchup, mustard sauce and orange juice.